



ID:80 / 打印

Hello everyone,


My name is [Your Name], and I am currently a [Year] student at [Your University's Name], majoring in [Your Major]. 我的名字是[你的名字],目前是[你的大学名称]的[年级]学生,主修[你的专业]。

I've always been passionate about [mention any specific field or subject you are interested in, e.g., computer science, environmental studies, etc.], 我一直对[提及你感兴趣的特定领域或科目,例如计算机科学、环境研究等]充满热情,

which led me to pursue my studies in this field. 这促使我在这个领域继续我的学业。

During my time at university, I have actively engaged in various academic and extracurricular activities. 在大学期间,我积极参与各种学术和课外活动。

I am a member of [mention any clubs or organizations you are part of], 我是[提及你参与的任何俱乐部或组织]的成员,

where I have had the opportunity to develop my leadership and teamwork skills. 在这里我有机会培养我的领导力和团队合作能力。

I have also volunteered for [mention any volunteer work or community service], 我还参与了[提及任何志愿工作或社区服务],

which has allowed me to give back to the community and understand societal issues more deeply. 这让我有机会回馈社区并更深入地理解社会问题。

In addition to my academic pursuits, I enjoy [mention any hobbies or interests, e.g., reading, playing a musical instrument, sports, etc.]. 除了学术追求之外,我还喜欢[提及任何爱好或兴趣,例如阅读、演奏乐器、体育等]。

I believe that maintaining a balance between studies and personal interests is essential for overall well-being and growth. 我相在学业和个人兴趣之间保持平衡对于整体的幸福和成长至关重要。

I am excited to meet new people and learn from their experiences. 我很高兴能遇见新朋友,并从他们的经历学习

I am also looking forward to the challenges and opportunities that college life presents, and I am committed to making the most of my time here to prepare for my future career. 我也期待大学生活带来的挑战和机遇,我致力于充分利用在这里的时间来为未来的职业生涯做准备。

Thank you for listening, and I hope to have a great time getting to know all of you! 感谢聆听,我希望能愉快地认识你们每一个人!

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标签: 自我介绍 
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作者:guozi @ 我爱范文网   2024-03-18

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